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Imogen North
Sep 17, 20204 min read
How do we turn back to love?
The question ‘why?' has been ringing loudly in my ears over the last five months. As the pandemic continues to rage across the globe and...
Imogen North
Apr 24, 20208 min read
Forever Is Composed of Now
I wish I could tell you how good spring time in England smells. I don't think I have ever, or at least not for a very long time, really...
Imogen North
Oct 24, 20191 min read
The Yoga Addiction
Imogen is interviewed by Nat & Sandy from The Yoga Addiction Podcast on her trauma-sensitive work in Myanmar.... click here to listen to...
Imogen North
Oct 8, 20196 min read
On the Brink
Blink and you might miss it. As I lay in Savasana this morning after my morning sadhna I felt, like I have repeatedly for about a year...
Imogen North
Apr 12, 20195 min read
Come As You Are
"Come as you are, as you were As I want you to be As a friend, as a friend As an known enemy" These Nirvana lyrics have been circling...
Imogen North
Oct 4, 20186 min read
Caught in Indra's Net
I realised the other morning that I had stopped dreaming - well not completely - but I hadn't dreamt BIG for ages. For such a long time...
Imogen North
Apr 17, 20189 min read
Poised with Potential
This post is dedicated to the memory of Marg and Mal Brierley, two dear friends of my family, who were on Thursday 15th February...
Imogen North
Dec 24, 20175 min read
Many Shades of Light
Green, greenish, viridescent, olive green, pea green, emerald green, lime green, bottle green, Lincoln green, sea green, sage green, acid...
Imogen North
Oct 13, 20178 min read
For truth had better deeds than words to grace it.
When you make big changes in life you trust. You trust that through your inner wisdom that you have made the right decision. You trust...
Imogen North
Aug 27, 20174 min read
The Power of Three
Four weeks passed, forty new faces, four hundred ‘Fuck what is this?’ thoughts, four thousand million new breaths… and... when your whole...
Imogen North
Jul 28, 20173 min read
Being the Kumbhaka
Here I sit on the eve of my departure with gratitude in my heart. Gratitude for the warmth and light of the summer evenings here in...
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